Saturday, August 14, 2010

First attempt at a blog.

Rather than do my uni assignment, I have instead decided to create a blog.  I'm willing to bet any amount of money that the password is forgotten in a week.  In fact, I may have forgotten it already.

With impeccable timing,  my father looks over his shoulder and asks "What the fuck is a dynamic bicycle?"  Good question.  A dynamic bicycle is the result of a random word generator being abused by a bored blog-creator.

Trivia time:
1.  The blog creator is a student of psychology at a terrible university.

2.  People assume that psychology students know a lot more than they actually do.  I am constantly hearing "Come on, psychologist!"  No, fuck off.  I'm not shouldering the responsibility of a psychologist until I've at least graduated.  I haven't even finished my first year.

3.  My psych tutor is a fool.  Don't try to teach people something you don't know yourself.  Especially if your students have enough knowledge on the topic to correct you.

4.  Psychology brings out my inner rage.  Probably not the best career choice.

5.  Psychology makes me hungry.  Damn classical conditioning.  I've learned to associate psychology lectures with dinner because of last semester's timetable.  Now I'm screwed.

6.  My original career choice in grade 3 was to be a solicitor.  I clearly had no idea what it was.  Come to think of it, I still don't.

7.  Next choice,  marine biologist.  I had no idea what that was either.  Lucky I didn't stick to it, because I am now terrified of the ocean.

8.  When I realised how boring marine biology is, I turned my aspirations to writing.  I still intend to do it one day... Maybe tomorrow.

9.  My father is still harassing me about what a dynamic bicycle is.  I settled for "a website".

10. My train of thought has been obliterated.  I didn't know where it was going anyway.

11.  People keep inviting me over their houses.  They don't get it.  If I have a choice of being at my house or yours, obviously I choose mine. That's why I live there, and not with you.  "But that's socialising for you!"  You may say.  No, just no.

12.  I don't come to your house, so please don't come to mine.  I don't care how much time we spend together outside of our homes, you can't come in.  It may seem rude,  but if you saw the amount of cleaning my family has to do before visitors come, you would tell your favourite people in the world to fuck off too.

13.  My mother turns into the cleaning Nazi if visitors come.  Every room of the house is immaculate,  the dog's hump rag has to be shaken out, the fucking ceiling has to be dusted and wiped with a damp cloth.  I'm not even kidding.  Even if someone is just using our toilet before they go on their merry way.  This is why I rage so hard when I see people with messy houses.  Did the cleaning Nazi attack you?  No?  Well, maybe they should, and it will give me a break for once.

14.  Do blogs have a word limit?  I'm tempted to see how long I can go for.

15.  I'm all pissed off now.  Now I'm rage-eating.  Actually, if rage makes me hungry,  that might explain why psychology makes me hungry.

16.  I kind of have rage issues.  Notice, I'm not "annoyed" or "angry"... Its rage.  Pure, uncensored, 100% rage.  Its probably quite entertaining, unless you're on the receiving end.

17.  My rage-food is making me feel better.  Seeing my father in the corner of my eye, isn't.  This entire night has just been an epic battle between my parents and I.  Starting with me announcing that I was staying home tonight.  One of them said "don't you use your reverse pychology on us!"  And it was ON.  Claws came out, and it somehow ended up as yet another screaming match about a certain friend of mine who I was apparently sneaking out to meet.  Right,  that's precisely why I told you I was staying home.  So I could make sneaking out more difficult for myself.  Maternal-Unit went to a movie, and called Paternal-Unit later to subtly check that I was still home.  To her horror, I answered the phone.

18.  I'm 18 in a week.  Which is awesome.  I've heard so many conflicting views about being 18, and I don't know what to think anymore.  Some people are all "OMG BEST THING EVER"  and other people are like  "Its awful, I hate it".

19.  Maternal-Unit is home.  Time to end this before she asks what a dynamic bicycle is.


  1. hey meeg what's a dynamic bicycle? kiddin'. also this whole post was win, *follows*

  2. I would have to agree with Yvette.
    *also follows*
