Saturday, December 4, 2010

Might as well update.

So I haven't been doing much lately.  I've started a free one week trial at the uni gym, to see if it was any good.  I really like it, and even if no one else goes with me, I'll probably keep going back.  Mum keeps asking me if I'm in pain yet, and she reckons I'm not doing anything because I'm not hurting.  MAYBE, just maybe, I'm not in pain because I'm only 18, and not approaching 50 like her.  Just because she's old and weak, that doesn't mean I am too.

Anyway, I'd just like to say that after the last two days of gym > work > sleep > gym > work > blog post, I'm starting to feel it.  When I  laugh.  My rock hard abs ache.  Unfortunately, I've done a lot of laughing lately.  I have a brilliant plan for a friend's Christmas present, which I won't share on here, just to keep you guessing.

I'm craving an energy drink, but it's 11pm.  Can't do that.  Naughty naughty.

1 comment:

  1. I get cravings for crazy energy drinks late at night too! Or usually 3-shot coffees.

