Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh Makeup, how I love you! (Warning, lots of pics)

I don't know why, but I love makeup.  The people I know may not know that, but I do.  Here in Townsville, for 11 out of the 12 months in a year, it is way too freaking hot to wear makeup, because it melts right off your face.  Have you ever seen a person wearing foundation who is sweating?  They get an orange moustache.  And I'm already unattractive enough WITHOUT the orange moustache.

Anyway, I love makeup.  I love looking at it.  I love buying it.  I love putting it on. I don't love looking at my pores too closely, freaking out, and scrubbing my face because it looks weird, but I do that anyway.

I don't even remember when I started using makeup.  It was later than a lot of my friends, because I wasn't quite as vain as some of them, or maybe it was just because I accept that makeup can enhance, but not change me.  Of course, I refer to the acceptable amount of makeup for daily usage. Modelling/photoshoot makeup CAN change you into a completely different person.  See this person below, who is not me.


Believe it or not, that is the same person.  I'm not saying the first picture is bad or anything, its fine.  It shows that she's a normal girl. In the second photo, she's the most stunning person I've ever seen.  I have honestly fallen in love with the photos from this photoshoot.  And they were taken just down the road from where I live.  It's about 2 minutes walking distance from where I am sitting right now.  Anyway, my point is, makeup can change you, if you don't mind caking on the foundation and making it look like your makeup is a separate entity, guarding your precious skin.  For daily use, it can enhance you, but not change you.

I've been thinking about doing a post about this topic for a while now.  Kind of.  I was going to write about how people's photos can be misleading, and how people are completely not-photogenic.  And since I bought $50 of makeup today, I thought I'd talk about it all at once.

Today I felt like spending some money, so went to the chemist and scoured their bargain bins.  Everything I bought today was under $5, but it added up to nearly $50.

I got:

Shampoo and conditioner, 2 for $5
2 types of mascara
4 different types of eyeshadow, with each pallet having 5 colours on it.
1 massive eyeshadow pallet with 18 colours on it.

This sounds ridiculous, since I already have several pallets of eyeshadow already, each with 10+ colours, but I just wanted to add 38 more colours to my collection.  I'm very particular about my makeup, particularly eye shadow, since it needs to be decent quality.  I don't shop for certain brands though, I look for variety in colours, and how long it's going to last, and how loose the powder is (if it's too loose, it goes everywhere but the eyes).  I find that the so called high-quality brands are incredibly overpriced and boring. 

I searched for "tropical eyeshadow", and this is what Dior has to offer.  That's bullshit.  There's 3 everyday wear colours (and boring ones at that) as well as a hideous green colour.  That's not tropical at all.

This website, however, has the sort of colours I go for.  In fact, those are the pallets I bought today.  I got Fiesta (golds, oranges, browns), Tease (multicoloured) , Chromatic (silvers, purples, browns, very metallic) , and  Serenade (pinks and purples).  As you can see, I like the ridiculously bright, unusual colours for my eyeshadow.  But what I'm saying is, the cheap stuff usually is better.  It's a different story for foundation though.

I'm sick of talking about makeup, it's too hot to even think about it without feeling like you're melting here  (good old Aussie summers).

About photogenic people:

I am not one of them.  I look terrible in photos.  They just capture me at the absolute worst possible moment.  Like when I'm blinking, eating, sneezing, laughing, scratching, or in the worst case scenario, all these at the same time.    Let's show you some examples, using pictures of me.  You've only ever seen one, and it's purposely small and hard to see, so lets see some more.

  Making the pic extra large so you can get the full effect of "WTF is she doing?"

And then there's photos like this one below, where I purposefully make a stupid face, then astound myself at how I managed to contort my face in such a strange manner.

But there's some not-so-bad ones too.  

Above:  My eighteenth birthday.

Below:  Some random photoshoot thing I did because it was $40 as opposed to $500

I really can't be bothered writing more, so I'll just say that I look terrible in photos.  And it's not fair.  What if I had a stalker, and they saw all of the photos of me on facebook and decided I was too ugly to stalk?  I've already had people judge my looks by my facebook photos, and I wasn't too happy about what they said.  Still, I think that my photos should realistically represent ME, good and bad angles.  I'm not one of those people that demands every bad photo of me to be deleted, simply because they're all bad.  I know one person who does this.  She's 6ft+, and not the skinniest person around.  Yet, in the photos she shows on facebook, there would be no way to tell this.  I've been yelled at before because I took a photo of her that shows her body below the shoulders.  So, her photos look pretty good, but they don't look like HER.  But each to their own.  People do what they can, to look as good as they can. 

I'd just rather look honest.


  1. Yeah I'm not usually photogenic, but there are some people that can get the good side of me. Like Cam Man

  2. formula for deciding if a photo of me is decent:

    a+b+c(d-e)= F

    where ;
    a is me taking the photo
    b is the camera having a slimming setting
    c is the lighting being in the yellow/orange/reds
    d is makeup
    e is blemishes
    F is decent photo.

  3. I'm not photogenic either, but I think you look gorgeous in your pictures! :)

  4. This is fantastic - my best photos are always at night, for some reason it makes blemishes look less noticeable and my eyes look bluer. Hell yeah.
