Friday, December 24, 2010

There's an ant nest in my laptop/ Christmas Eve.

I think the title really say it all.  It's Christmas Eve, I'm bored out of my mind, so I go to turn on my laptop, and as I go to get my power cord since the battery is dead, I notice that my laptop is crawling away in a million little pairs of legs.  I don't know if this is just one of those things that come with living in the Australian tropics, but whenever it rains (as it does over Christmas) ants tend to nest in strange places, wherever is warmest for them.  This means they go straight for the electronics.  Last rainy season it was the printer.  Now its my laptop.

Of course, the last thing you ever want to do is talk to the Cleaning Nazi about how you've been sheltering a jolly bunch of critters in your bedroom for the past month or so.  And you REALLY don't want to tell her this on Christmas Eve, where she is frantically trying to learn how to correctly fold napkins in time for the family breakfast tomorrow morning.  I had to though.  I got the usual "well you're obviously a disgusting animal who doesn't clean their room" lecture, but other than that, she left me alone because she had better things to do.  I looked in my room, and there's no food or anything in there, except for a sealed pack of gum that seems to have never been touched by ants. So I assume its the warm and dry aspect of my laptop that makes it so appealing to ants.

Other than the ants, I don't have much more to say.  I've been working a lot, yet I am still broke because I've been buying Christmas presents for everyone.  Got all my shoppping done fairly early, except for one person who already knows what they're getting, and we'll just go to the alcohol place together to get it when we buy drinks for New Years Eve

That's about it at the moment.  Merry Christmas/Happy holidays for those who aren't into Christmas.  Have fun, keep safe, and try not to blast the crappy carols too loud.


  1. Merry Christmas to you too Megan. And was it bad when you commented on my blog that I sounded so American

  2. Merry (late) Christmas! Ants in the laptop? WTF? Will they hurt anything?

