Tuesday, November 16, 2010

15th of November: I'm behind!

Well, I haven't posted for nearly 2 days now.  That means I'm about 4000 words behind.  Which is terrible.  One I'm in the hole, I don't know if I can find my way out.  A word-hole, of course.

This is the NaNo website's record of my achievements thus far.  Looked pretty damn good until the 13th.  In fact, it looks like it's somehow started going down slightly.

So I haven't really done much in the last few days.  Mostly working.  I've saved up $800, and I only finished uni 2 days ago.  So I'm well on my way to buying a car, as long as I don't do any ridiculously expensive impulse buys.  Like, one time I was buying shampoo or something, and I saw a catalogue while I was in the checkout.  There was an iPod advertised, and quick as a flash, I ran off and bought a new iPod touch.  This was a while ago, mind you.  I haven't done anything that silly in a while.

Change of topic right about now.

For the month of November, I have this massive list of blog topics, so I could write about this stuff, and not be desperately reaching like I am now.  The thing is, I honestly can not be fucked to do it.  I don't even want to look at the list.   Instead, I turn to my list of labels (basically rehashing shit I've already spoken about before on here).

Accents - It's always so easy to tell when a band/singer on the radio is Australian.  They have this ridiculous accent.  It somehow becomes more noticeable when singing.  As an example, look up the song "Revolution" by The Veronicas.

Alcohol - I'm going alcohol shopping tomorrow.  We have a store here called Dan Murphy's.  It's basically an alcoholic grocery store.  It's awesome, and overpriced, but so is all alcohol.  Anyway, tomorrow is cheap Tuesday, or Cheuesday, as I have previously referred to it as.   This means that my friends will accompany me to the local nightclubs, and we shall become incredibly intoxicated.  In theory.  I also have a dentist appointment, so we'll see how that goes before I start drinking.

Aliens - A friend of mine says that my bf could never shave his head, in case of an alien invasion.  She thinks that the aliens will take him home with them, mistaking him for one of their own.

Allergies - Despite my allergy to honey, I tried to eat a cereal composed of mostly honey and wheat.  It wasn't too bad.  It tasted like honey, but without the swelling and itchyness.

Anatomy - I still don't have my results back yet.  Makes me sad.  I'm sure the results will make me even more sad.

Anosmia - I attempted to make hamburger patties.  When I cooked them, Dad ran out asking what that smell was.  That smell was the patties.  Because they were a year old...

Assignments - Even if my uni is over, I still continue this personal assignment of 50,000 words. Idiot.

Australia - See accents.

Birthday - It was such a massive build up to all my friends turning 18, and now some of them are nearly 19.  Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's been ages since everyone's birthdays.\

Blogging - I blog enough about blogging.  I don't need more.

Celebrities - Not really related, but I was watching Beauty and the Geek the other day, and it was the makeover episode, where they all shave their neck beards and take off their COD shirts, and put on normal clothes.  The first guy to come out looked idiotic.  The people on the show turned him from a nerd, to a tracksuit wearing, bleach blonde wigger.  His hair was white.  From behind, he looked like an old man in a tracksuit going for a run.  2 of the other guys though, actually ended up REALLY hot!  Like, one of them looked amazing.  Like, he could easily be a model/actor.  And the other guy had really long hair and a beard, and when it was cut off, he was hot too.  Not like in-your-face "hit it and quit it" hot like the other one, more like a "I could marry a guy like this" kind of hot.  Which isn't bad at all.

Childhood - I try to block it out.

Christmas - Not long now.  They'll start playing Christmas carols at work any day now.

Cleaning Nazi - Today, she came home and agreed to take me to the boyfriend's house.  I told him I'd be there at 4pm.  The Cleaning Nazi says to me, "Hang on, I'll just clean all the ceiling fans in the house first".  She also doesn't understand why I was annoyed at having to wait for over an hour.  Apparently, she doesn't think that turning up an hour late is rude at all.

Computers - I don't know if I've already blogged about this, but I went to Officeworks and bought a lap-desk.  It's pretty much a flat piece of wood that you can use as a desk.  It has a curvy cut out part so it fits nicely against your stomach.  It also has a cushiony bit on the bottom to make it comfortable on your legs.

Dogs - I'm cuddling my puppy dog right now.  He's being incredibly loud with his groaning and moaning and gremlin noises.

DVDs - I'm considering buying my sister a DVD for Christmas.  Problem is, I don't know what she has and doesn't have.  I'm thinking maybe Beauty and the Beast, she only has it on VHS.

Emotions - Umm.  Emotions got a bit out of hand tonight, when I was at my BF's house.  Simply because of Call of Duty: Black Ops.  I swear, the moment he's not gazing lovingly at it, I'm going to break it.  I already laughed like a maniac when his internet connection dropped out.

Energy drinks - If I have more than one within six hours of eachother.  I have a very interesting reaction.

Exams - Fuck that shit.

Fear - This blog is taking so damn long, simply because I'm discussing Dani-Q's love life with her, and her fear of dying alone and unloved.  I'm also attempting to explain the concept of kissing in nightclubs.  She's not getting it.

Food - I've been eating so much junk food lately.  I feel bad about it but it's so much more convenient that making my own, because I have to constantly watch what I'm cooking, since I can't smell the house burning down.

Hair - My hair is hideous at the moment.  I need to do something with it. After my old hair dresser told me to piss off, I haven't had the time to get my hair done.

Injuries - Apparently, riding a bike while high is a bad idea.  It results in bandaged arms and possible stitches.  Don't worry, it wasn't me.  But I drove past them several minutes before they did it, which I find hilarious.

Love - Such a silly thing.

Magic - I don't remember what post this label was even referring to.  So I don't know what kind of magic I was talking about.

Nightclubs - I've been having a massive D&M with Dani-Q about nightclubs.  It's frustrating.

Party - I haven't been to a decent party in so long.

Patriotism - I patriotism-ed myself out the other day.  I don't even want to think about it.

Psychic - In my post about my visit to a psychic, I mentioned that she said the law would catch up with someone.  They did.  Hard.   Like, fines, possibly a court date, and potential jail time if things go really badly.  It wasn't about stealing though, so she wasn't really right about anything.

Psychology - You know, when I meet people, after they find out I study psychology, they ask me if I can read their mind.  No, no I can't.  I'm a future psychologist, not a psychic.

Stupid People - A friend of a friend added me on facebook.  He's the type who has a really clingy girlfriend, and they break up and get back together all the time.  Like, once a week.  At least.  Not even an exaggeration.  And it's all on facebook.

Tarot Cards - See psychic.

Text Messages - My phone goes weird sometimes, and I don't recieve text messages.  Then, I get them all at once, a few days later.  Last time, I got about 60, mostly facebook notifications.

The Future - I don't even want to think ahead.  Anything past January is unplanned at the moment.

Toys - The list of blog topics I have is mostly talking about toys.  And I don't want to write it.  Those posts are better off for when I've finished work and I'm pissed off about it.

Twitter - Another dodgy phone moment = There's a Twitter application you can download.  It worked fine, then stopped for like 2 weeks straight. It's fine again.  Very weird.

University - The one I go to is shit.  I hate it.

Water - I don't drink nearly enough.  I tried drinking the reccomended 2L a day, and I couldn't sop peeing.

And I'm too lazy to talk about work, writing, and zombies.  I'm sure you can all come up with you're own ideas about what I would say.

I have more to say, but I'm too tired to put the necessary level of thought into it, so this will have to be the end for now.

Word Count for this post = 1604
Total November word count = 25,178


  1. Don't worry I'm so behind too. Lots of drama has happened and well yeah.

    Now that reminds me of the one follower I lost.

    We'll catch up don't worry.


  2. I love you and your random shit, because it all seems to tie in together at the end. How do you do that? PS I've worked in retail so long that every year when the Christmas songs start in I look for razor blades to cut myself with. I HATE CHRISTMAS SONGS!!!

    Hed hed down under
