Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Cleaning Nazi Strikes Again.

Well, that title is a little misleading, because it's not really about cleaning.  But it is the Cleaning Nazi who is once again harassing me, this time about DVDs.

As a job, the Cleaning Nazi interprets for Deaf people.  Yes, she can sign.  No, I can't sign, but I can understand enough to get the message.  Anyway.  She's always bringing home stuff to do, or in this case, DVDs to burn.  She and Dad say that she's fantastic with computers and I only wish I was as good as her etc etc etc.  Yeah, maybe in the mid-90s.  Not now.

Anyway, she demanded a week or so ago that I burn a DVD for her.  I tell her I'm busy, which I was.  She keeps demanding throughout the week, and I keep telling her I'm busy, which I was.  Last night I was out and she kept calling and calling me to ask if I burnt the DVD yet.  I said no, but I would do it when I got home.  She asked what program I use, and I told her what it was, but we don't have it on my laptop.

I go home, go to bed.  This morning, she bursts into my room screaming about the DVD.  She said she's ripped it off the original disc and saved it on my laptop, but she can't put it on the blank disc.  I do it for her, on three different discs like she asks.  She bursts in again, screaming that I didn't do it.  She says it has no sound, which is true.  The audio folder on the files taken from the disc are empty, in both the one she did, and the one I did this morning.  I thought this was normal, because Deaf people don't need sound on their educational, dialogue-free movies.  Apparently they do.  And now I'm the worst person ever, because the sound doesn't work.  Even Dad agrees that its all my fault.  It's even my fault that when mum did it without me, there was no sound.  I was clearly controlling the laptop through telepathic means, preventing the sound from being copied off a disc.  Anyway.  I got screamed at, and she went to work to complain about me.

She calls Dad (who is not at work for some reason, dunno why) and I, saying we need to set up the other computer to try and burn the DVD again.  There's 3 main problems with that.
1.  The computer she wants us to set up doesn't work.  That's why its in a cupboard.
2.  She took the disc with her, so we have no way of burning it.
3.  If the sound didn't work the first 2 times, done by 2 different people, I don't think its going to work at all.

So now we have another computer set up, and it doesn't work.  Guess who's going to cop the blame when the Cleaning Nazi gets home?


  1. Haha my brain wasn't working properly when I started reading this, and when I read about burning DVDs I had this vision of a religious maniac with a pyre in the garden, throwing on DVDs and shouting 'Get Thee Gone, Spawn of the Devil!!!'


  2. xD Juni! That was hilarious!

  3. Thanks for the blog love! I always LOVE discovering new readers and their blogs. ...What a crazy lunatic that woman is. No wonder you call her the Cleaning Nazi -- and she is lucky that is all you call her! Being technically challenged I haven't a clue when it comes to burning CD's etc. so no shame there sister.

  4. That seems like a horrible experience.
